Alyeska Resort

Submit An Event

Visit Anchorage’s online events calendar features events appealing to out-of-town leisure visitors and convention delegates.

Criteria for inclusion on Visit Anchorage's event calendar:

  1. Before entering your event, please search the calendar to make sure it isn't already listed.

  2. The event must be open to the public.

  3. Only events inside the Municipality of Anchorage and select regional events will be listed.

  4. Priority will be given to events with high appeal for leisure time and those that best present a compelling reason to travel to or further explore Anchorage.

  5. Auctions, clinics, seminars, political fundraisers, rallies, candidate forums, and classes of limited appeal to residents or travelers enjoying free time will not be included.

  6. Any commercial or sales function which simply promotes the business or its products will not be included.

  7. Events whose primary purpose is to sell the products or services of a particular business cannot be posted in the calendar; examples include product demonstrations.

  8. For best results, events should be submitted at least 90 days in advance.

  9. For event images, horizontal orientation at largest available size/resolution displays best. Photos are preferred. Logos and event flyers don't format properly and may not be included.

Visit Anchorage reserves the right to decline to list any event and edit submissions for grammar, spelling, clarity, accuracy, or to meet style guidelines.

Thanks for submitting your event!