
Industry Events

Visit Anchorage's networking and educational events provide an opportunity to forge valuable connections while networking and keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in the visitor industry.

View the list of current events for members and RSVP online.

Monthly Membership Luncheons

Join your peers and hear the latest tourism and economic trends from key community and visitor industry leaders. Members are encouraged to gain exposure for their business by providing door prizes, bringing a promotional piece for the back table, or making community announcements to attendees. Luncheons are held on the third Thursday of every month from noon to 1 p.m. Learn more about what to expect. You can also view recordings of monthly luncheons.

Business Exchanges

Networking can be one of the best ways to meet and form new business contacts within the visitor industry. Throughout the year, Visit Anchorage and members host informal and fun-filled events after work where members can get to know each other and build partnerships. Learn more about what to expect.

Visitor Information Center In-service Meetings

Be part of this monthly meeting to educate Visit Anchorage's volunteers and staff who work in the VICs - the folks on the front lines assist as many as 170,000 visitors annually. Members are given 5-10 minutes to speak to the group and are encouraged to bring handouts, samples, or door prizes. Presentation slots are limited. Join from anywhere, most months are held virtual, with select opportunities to present in person. Contact the Visitor Services Director to check availability.

Membership Orientation

This presentation is a great jumping off point for new members, a refresher on the benefits of your existing membership, or as a way to familiarize your new employees with Visit Anchorage's tools and benefits. It's also an opportunity to know staff and determine which programs, projects, and promotions best suit your business. 

Seymour Awards Banquet

A highlight of the year is a gala black-tie optional event that honors industry leaders and volunteers. This fun-filled event is the largest gathering of Visit Anchorage members.

Frontline Tradeshow and Ongoing Training

This opportunity is perfect for frontline staff of shops, hotels, and restaurants, along with visitor information, tour guides, and bus drivers. Learn more about what tours and activities are available, allowing you to serve visitors to Anchorage - your customers better. The Frontline Tradeshow is held in the Anchorage Convention Centers. Featuring more than 90 vendors each spring and up to 30 in the winter, it's the best opportunity to get your company's frontline staff up to speed on all the offerings in and around Anchorage before each season begins.

There are many other ways Visit Anchorage can help prepare your staff to help guests and provide the best service to customers - other training opportunities and outreach continue year-round.

Toast to Tourism

Celebrate the successes of a season and reward your frontline staff with Visit Anchorage's end-of-season event. Tickets include drinks, food, and entertainment in a casual, after work setting on the Dena'ina Center's third-floor reception hall.