Michael Dinneen

Visitor Information Center Advertising

Every year, more than 177,000 people check in at one of Visit Anchorage’s Visitor Information Centers for local advice, trip tips, and more ideas on how to spend their time in Anchorage and across the state. Make a direct impact on thousands of visitors who pass through the downtown Visitor Information Centers annually.

Video Screens

Featured advertisers receive a 20-second video clip on LED screens in the downtown Visitor Information Center. Clips run on a 2-3 minute loop showing 20-30 times per hour with a minimum of 100,000
impressions per year. Premium brochure placement included. Added value: clips also play at Visit Anchorage’s south terminal airport VIC and Dena’ina Center kiosk.

Digital Display Ad

Monitor displays rotating digital ads on display wall in the downtown Visitor Information Center. Includes brochure placement near monitor for added exposure. Located near a courtesy phone for easy
bookings and reservations. Ad will also display digitally in the log cabin front window for passers-by to view after hours.

Member Spotlight

Set up shop for a day in the Visitor Information Center downtown. Book walk-in business with travelers already in-market and eager to plan their time and activities. There's no fee to spend a day in the VIC, contact Rebecca Hilton to confirm a date.

Brochure Space

Membership includes one brochure rack in each of the three VICs. Members can get an additional brochure slot in each VIC to display another brochure that must be different than the other(s). Or get an oversize bin to distribute a larger publication like a guide or magazine in the downtown and south terminal VICs. Limited slots are available for added brochures and oversize bin space.

Calendar of Events

Be recognized as the “Presented by” sponsor on the printed events calendar. The calendar is distributed at Visit Anchorage’s visitor information centers, local concierge desks, and participating member businesses. Sponsorship includes a 1/8 page ad on the front of the calendar.

View the Advertising Rate Card.