Anchorage has no shortage of beautiful sights, from the colorful murals painted by local artists, decorating neighborhood walls to the fields of fireweed waving in the wind, marking the end of summer. As the seasons change and autumn is upon us, the birch and cottonwood trees turn from hues of bright green to rich reds, oranges, and yellows, colors with which only a midnight sunset could compete.
Looking for a fun daytime activity or weekend road trip this fall? Grab your camera and a hot cocoa from a local coffee hut and hit the road to capture some amazing colors.
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Terika Kons
Visit Anchorage Content Specialist Terika loves exploring Anchorage and beyond. A road trip junkie, pursuer of fish, a coffee hut connoisseur, and a photographer, Terika finds endless inspiration in the beauty and wildness Alaska has to offer.