Promote your business to independent travelers, travel agents, tour operators, and meeting planners across the nation. There are always upcoming opportunities to join Visit Anchorage in attending travel industry conventions and trade shows.
One of the benefits to joining Visit Anchorage on the road is an opportunity to book more advance business, which can increase cash flow.
Larger businesses might consider shows focusing on travel trade or meeting planners, while smaller-scale businesses might consider consumer-focused shows. Consumer shows allow for one-on-one sales with qualified consumers interested in visiting Alaska. Travel trade shows promote to travel advisors and tour operators, who focus on commissionable product. Companies that have a larger booking capacity might consider travel trade promotion. Meeting planner shows focus on convention logistics, including transportation, meeting venues, group tours, and package deals.
Additionally, these shows are an opportunity to observe what others in the industry are doing. Compare your business to similar operations to see their national and international marketing strategies in action. Gain insight into the tone, terminology, areas of focus, and logistical consideration that travel professionals employ to sell a destination.
Still not sure which opportunities would be the best fit for you? Contact a Visit Anchorage representative to learn more. Email for meeting planner promotion and for any of the other opportunities mentioned.