Anchorage Opera invites you to spend an afternoon with the cast and artistic team of their upcoming show, “Glory Denied,” a production honoring those who serve in our military. Based on the book of the same title, with a foreword by Senator John McCain, the opera relates the poignant true story of America’s longest-held prisoner of war during the Vietnam era, and the wrenching agonies faced by his family when he returned home to a son he’d never met, a wife who had moved on and a country which had forgotten him. A contemporary masterpiece, critically acclaimed nationally, including by DC Arts Beat, “a work of our time…It holds its own against the greatest of the classical repertoire", by the Washington Post, “a luminous score that offered vivid embodiments of the protagonist’s mental states”, and by Fanfare Magazine “a terrifically powerful work, superbly written”.
Meet the artists, discover illuminating and fascinating facts about the show, its plot, history and thrill to excerpts performed by the cast. Bistro-style seating, a catered buffet of food & drink including wine & beer, an ‘up-close and personal’ panel discussion with the stars, and Q & A from the audience. An Afternoon with "Glory Denied" is Sunday, Jan 29, 2 - 4:30 p.m. at Alaska Public Media 3877 University Dr. in Anchorage. $40 (ALL inclusive) For tickets call (907) 279-2557 or visit