Alaska Coach Tours has been selected to provide service for a circulator transit route this summer in Anchorage. The company was selected from the respondents to the RFP published in March. The service is planned for what are expected to be the busiest months of summer 2023. It will connect downtown with leisure attractions beyond walking distance.

The funds for the service were granted to Visit Anchorage by the Municipality of Anchorage from federal ARPA Act relief funds to state and local entities.

The review and selection process anonymized each proposal received. Each was then scored by a panel of three locals: MOA Director of Transportation Jamie Acton, Municipal Ombudsman Darrell Hess, and Diane Fejes, a retired CPA and former Rotary District Governor for the Alaska-Yukon region. Visit Anchorage staff and board was not part of the review panel or scoring. After scoring was tallied, the aggregate results were shared with the panel, and each of them confirmed the final selection.

Details of the planned route, dates and times of service, and other specifics will be published in the coming weeks.